22. Another Prodigal Story

“HELLO, Pal.”  “Hello, Buddy!”  “Have a drink?”  “Got one!”  “Come over on the next stool I’m lonesome. Hell of a world.”  “You said it, brother,-hell of a world.”  “You taking rye? Mine’s gin. God, I’m up against it now!”  “How’s

21. Educated Agnostic

      WHY go into the drinking pattern that is so much the same with all of us? Three times I had left the hospital with hope that I was saying goodbye forever. And here I was again.  The first day there

20. A Close Shave

      THE year 1890 witnessed my advent as the youngest of five sons to a fine Christian mother and a hard working blacksmith father. At the age of eight my father used to send me after his pail of beer and

19. Smile With Me, At Me

      AT THE age of eighteen I finished high school and during my last year there my studies were dropping away to be replaced by dancing, going out nights, and thinking of a good time as most of the boys of

18. Trust Freed Me

      IN MAY 1936, after a prolonged period of alcoholism, my friends, my associates, my superiors, and those people who really loved me in spite of embarrassments too numerous to mention, finally left me because they had come to the conclusion

17. The Fearful One

      WHEN I was 21, I was taken suddenly and violently ill and was ill for seven years. As a result of this illness I was left with a poorish nervous system and a curious phobia. As this has a large

16. Fired Again

      IT SEEMS to me that I never did do things normally. When I learned to dance I had to go dancing every night in the week if possible; when I worked or studied I wanted no interruptions or distractions. Wherever

15. The Salesman

      I LEARNED to drink in a workmanlike manner when the law of the land said I couldn’t and what started out as a young man’s fun became a habit which in its later existence laid me by the heels many

14. Riding The Rods

      FOURTEEN years old and strong, I was ready-an American Whittington who knew a better way to get places than by walking. The “clear the way” whistle of a fast freight thundering over the crossing on the tracks a mile away

13. A Ward Of The Probate Court

      AT ABOUT the time of my graduation from high school, a state university was established in our city. On the call for an office assistant, I was recommended by my superintendent, and got the position. I was rather his choice